Discover the Wonders of Cape Coral with Guided Boat Tours by FMS Florida

Guided boat tour with Alex Feix

sunset boat tour with captain

Alex Feix, founder of FMS Florida Boat Tours in Cape Coral, promises an incredible guided boat tour. The tour takes you through Cape Coral, Fort Myers, and beautiful islands such as Sanibel/Captiva Island. You will also get to visit the pristine Cayo Costa island. Our tours combine expert navigation and local knowledge for an unforgettable journey through Florida's paradise.

Experience the Charm of Cape Coral and Beyond

Guided Tours to Cayo Costa Beach and More Cape Coral's beauty is best experienced through our guided boat tours. I'll show you the beautiful beaches of Sanibel Island and the untouched beauty of Cayo Costa. These trips let you see dolphins and different birds in their natural home, making each one special.

Insights from a Local Expert

On our guided boat tours, you'll gain more than just a view. As a local expert, I'm eager to share the hidden gems and fascinating stories of the area. These tours let you experience the local culture and natural wonders. You'll learn unique stories and gain insights that you can't find anywhere else.

Sanibel Lighthouse

Customized Flexibility and Comfort

FMS Florida offers personalized boat tours in Cape Coral. You can choose to chase sunsets, go on a dolphin tour, or have a relaxing day on the water. We can customize our tours to suit your preferences. Aboard the Monterey, comfort and safety are paramount, ensuring a relaxed and enjoyable experience.

Pick FMS Florida Boat Tours in Cape Coral for an amazing guided adventure that goes beyond regular boat tours. Our tours are unique because they provide a personal and close look at the region's natural beauty, unlike bigger group trips.We're excited to welcome you aboard the Monterey for a guided boat tour that promises not just sights, but stories, serenity, and the spirit of Cape Coral.

Cape Coral Canal tour

Book Your Guided Adventure TodayPrepare for an unforgettable journey through the heart of Cape Coral. We can't wait to share this beautiful world with you.

See you soon on the water, Captain Alex Feix


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